What you may not know about Tim Curry

So Tim Curry is my favourite actor, I think he is most definitely one of the greatest British actors ever. Just recently it has come to my attention that many people are unaware of what Tim Curry is known for, in fact a lot of people do not even know who he is! Anyway I thought I would do a list of things you may not know about the wonderful Tim Curry.

1. He voices Nigel Thornberry – I have seen many posts lately about people being surprised by this, but yes he the voice of Nigel from The Wild Thornberry’s but once you know it is quite obvious. Who would of thought Dr Frank-N-Furter and Nigel Thornberry were the same person? Smashing aye? same guy! oh my god!

2. He plays Pennywise– I know a lot of people who have seen Stephen King’s movie ‘IT’ and a lot of people do not realise he plays the scary clown pennywise, my friends certainly didn’t realise. So hopefully this will cure your childhood fear of clowns!

3. He was a bit of a rock god – After filming The Rocky Horror Picture Show Tim went in a music direction ( not surprising really he has a very good voice) and released albums such as ‘Simplicity’ and ‘Read My Lips’, he had quite a hit with the song ‘I Do The Rock’.

4. He voiced the Cravendale advert– I actually only just found this out recently. You know that really good advert about the cats with thumbs? Yeah he voiced that, this man has done everything!


5. Home Alone 2 – You should know this… But if you do not he plays Mr Hector (the concierge) in Home Alone 2, and oh dear I do love that film!                                     

                                                              “Get down on your knees and tell me you love me!”  “I LOVE YOU!”

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